7 Worst Things You Can Do In The Next 6 Months

Written by Harold Herring.

It was an early morning when the Lord began this rapid fire succession of the seven worst things a person can do in the final six months of 2024. 

I try to be a positive person but the truth of the matter is this… there are some things we just don’t need to do!

I knew in due season He would help me put meat on these bones to pass along to His people and here it is.

# 1       Not believing

There is an old saying. . .if you don’t believe in something you’ll fall for anything.

More properly said, if you don’t believe in the Word of God then you’ll more likely fall for the tricks, traps, lies, deceptions and wiles the enemy throws your way.

The word believe is found in 131 verses in the King James Bible.  However, I feel led to share with you seven things you must believe.

First, You must believe He is a miracle working savior.

Matthew 9:28 says:

“And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.”

Second, He wants you and your family saved.

Acts 16:31 says:

“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”

Romans 10:9 says:

7 Things You May Not Know About Jesus (June 2024)

Written by Harold Herring.

Sometimes people grow up feeling they are the lowest person on the totem pole. Those around them seem to have a wonderful family life.  They make good grades or play sports or are popular with other kids.  They seem to have it all together.

Even if you grew up as a Christian you can feel that God didn’t outfit you with the best scenario. 

Then when you catch a vision or sense your calling, the road is not all that smooth ahead of you. So naturally, we might ask... "Why is this happening to me?"

Have you ever thought about what Jesus had to deal with or experienced?  His life certainly wasn’t a picnic.

Stuff happened to Jesus too. And if it happened to Him, it shouldn’t be strange that it’s happening to you too.  It's how you deal with the stuff when it happens to you...that makes all the difference in the world.

Here are seven things you may not have thought about Jesus.

First, He was born out of wedlock.

Up until the last few decades. . .if you had a child out of wedlock. . .or what the world calls an “illegitimate” child. . .you were viewed and treated differently by all the’ good’ folks.

So just imagine what that was like 2,000 years ago in a religious community.

In Biblical times, there was not only a stigma attached to have a child outside of marriage . . .but doing so could cost the woman her life.

You Get Better At It...Every Day (June 2024)

Written by Harold Herring.

God loves it when we pull close to Him. . .He wants us reading and obeying His Word.

He wants us moving from glory to glory in His marvelous image.  During a recent Rich Thoughts for Breakfast which is a conference call we do every day, we taught from Revelation 2:29 in the Message Bible.  The Lord used that scripture to show us seven keys of getting better in our spiritual walk every day.

By the way, you can go to our website:  haroldherring.com and find the way to join us each day on Rich Thoughts for Breakfast.

Now, He directed us to put some meat on the bones of the seven points and share it with our world-wide Internet audience on RICH THOUGHTS TV.

But first, the letter to the church at Thyatira is the LONGEST of the seven letters, but was written to the smallest and seemingly least important of the seven cities. The point is God cares about each and every one of us.  No one is ever left out.

Here’s our primary scripture for this teaching.

Revelation 2:19 in the Message Bible says:

I see everything you’re doing for me. Impressive! The love and the faith, the service and persistence. Yes, very impressive! You get better at it every day.”

There are seven keys in what’s being said about the church in Thyatira.

1.         God sees everything you’re doing for Him.

Hebrews 4:13 in The Living Bible says:

Get Rid Of The Ites In Your Life

Written by Harold Herring.

Make no mistake about it. . .if God promises us something. . .makes a covenant with us. . .it’s going to happen . . . unless we ignore His instructions or give up or give in first.

Our circumstances don’t matter. . .the problems that we’re currently facing don’t matter. . . but our obedience to His Word definitely matters..

Having said that. . .let me tell you there are going to be times when you wonder what’s going on. . .simply because you may not be able to perceive that God is working in and through your life to manifest His precious promises.

During these times. . .it’s critical to understand there is definitely an enemy waiting in the shadows hoping to knock you off course. . .frustrate you. . .so you NEVER manifest God’s promises.

God miraculously delivered the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage.  His promises were confirmed through signs and wonders and finally the persistence paid off and the children of Israel were marching out of tyranny into freedom. . .destined for the Promised Land as His promises were manifested.

The children of Israel encountered some adversity in their journey to freedom and abundance.  They may have felt dismayed but nothing they did altered the promises of God.  His goal was the same as in the beginning. 

They may have wondered. They may have wavered. They may have disobeyed.  They may have limited and frustrated God.   But God never wavered when it came to His promises.

Exodus 34:10 says:

God Doesn't Want To Hear Excuses

Written by Harold Herring.

Hebrews 12:12-13 in the Message Bible says:

“So don't sit around on your hands! No more dragging your feet! Clear the path for long-distance runners so no one will trip and fall, so no one will step in a hole and sprain an ankle. Help each other out. And run for it!”

I started wondering why people sit on their hands and drag their feet….and realized it happens when people make excuses.

Believe me, I’ve heard hundreds, maybe thousands of the excuses … and some that would make you laugh if you didn’t know the person speaking the words was serious.

I believe if I set my mind to it…I could come up with some of the greatest excuses in the world.

But the real question is what does the greatest book ever written have to say about excuses.

Proverbs 24:11 in the Message Bible says:

“Rescue the perishing; don't hesitate to step in and help. If you say, "Hey, that's none of my business," will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know— Someone not impressed with weak excuses.”

2 Thessalonians 3:10-13 says:

Make The Rest Of Your Life...The Best Of Your Life (May 2024)

Written by Harold Herring.

Have you ever read a quote by someone that just ignited in your spirit.  I read it this morning and it was a quote by Anonymous that fired me up.  Here it is:

“I’m gonna make the rest of my life, the best of my life.”

I really like that quote, however, I would make a small, but significant change.

I’m gonna make the rest of my life, the best of my life because the Word of God says I can!

There’s no question God wants us to have the best life we can.  In fact, in this teaching you’ll read 40 scriptures where we’re told to and how to experience the good life.

So what does it really mean to live the good life?

Does the good life consist of having what the world has in the latest electronic toys and gadgets. . .traveling to exotic locations for lengthy vacations. . .living in the biggest house in the nicest neighborhood. . .being successful in business and in your investments…but loving Jesus along the way?

For those who are sick. . .battling a disease or condition. . .the good life is divine health.

For those who’re having trouble with their children.  . .the good life is everybody knowing and serving Jesus as Lord.