7 Reasons To Stay Out Of Egypt (June 2023)

Written by Harold Herring.

We have taught the story of Isaac sowing in the midst of an economic famine and reaping a hundredfold return many, many times to audiences around the world.

I’ve spoken, taught and preached how God told Isaac in Genesis 26:2 to “. . . Go not down into Egypt. . .” more times than I can remember.

However, as I was listening to Dr. Mark Barclay talk about this scripture at the 2011 Kenneth Copeland’s Ministers Conference, something stirred in me.

I wrote down exactly what the Lord was giving me at that very moment and it is the outline for this message. . . “Seven Reasons To Stay Out Of Egypt.”

At a time when everyone else was following the world system by heading to Egypt to escape the economic hard times . . . God told Isaac to stay put. 

Unfortunately, way too many believers follow the “wisdom” of the world when it comes to their personal finances as opposed to following the instructions found in the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

People. . .even born-again, Holy Spirit filled, church-going believers. . .tend to value the advice of their banker and financial planner more than they do their man or woman of God showing them principles God put in His Word.

The Bible is not a book of exceptions, exemptions and excused behavior.  It is a book of principles that work.  The Bible says what it means and it means for you to obey without hesitation.  It is not a book of convenience . . . obeying its instructions when you feel like it.

7 Keys To Getting Your Prayers Answered (June 2023)

Written by Harold Herring.

Like others you may have prayed for change during this year. One where you could birth a new habit, turn lack into more than enough and accomplish the goals you set for 2023.

In a time of prayer, God directed my attention to Daniel 10:12-13 where He drew a direct parallel to what happened to Daniel and what may have happened to you.

Then he said to me, Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind and heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come as a consequence of [and in response to] your words.”

Here are seven keys to getting your prayers answered.

1.      Fear Not

In the King James Version of the Bible we’re told nine times that we should be “born again.”  So I think it’s fair to say that being born again is significant and obviously important to God.  After all, He paid the ultimate price by sending His only begotten Son that we should not perish but have everlasting and abundant life. . .by being born again.

Would it surprise you to know that in the King James Version of the Bible were told SIXTY-THREE times to “fear not?”

Let’s look at some of those verses.

First, God wants us to eliminate all fear of failure.

7 Keys To Being A Spiritual EMT

Written by Harold Herring.

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) to administer immediate assistance or provide transportation?

I remember when a volunteer Rescue Squad was formed in my hometown of LaGrange, North Carolina.  This dedicated group of men and women donated their time for training and responding to emergency situations.

I also remember that every time the LaGrange Rescue Squad was dispatched on an emergency call. . .it was reported in our local newspaper, The Weekly Gazette.  It’s a bit humorous (kinda) that everything reported from having a baby to having a heart attack was referred to as a “sudden illness.”

Over the years, the title of the organization evolved into EMTs. . .truthfully, the name does have a little more pizazz.

The protocols used by EMTs has an amazing parallel to spiritual EMTs otherwise known as “Emergency Miracle Technician.”

Now you’re probably wondering who in the world is an Emergency Miracle Technician and how in the world. . .do you become designated, trained and identified as such.

Is the spiritual EMT your pastor. . .it could be.

Is the spiritual EMT anyone operating in any of the other ministry gifts listed in what we traditionally refer to as the five-fold ministry offices. .  .apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher and pastor. . .it could be.

Actually, an Emergency Miracle Technician is anyone who believes the Word of God and has the faith to manifest the promises in the book.

Daniel 6:27 in the New Living Translation says:

“He rescues and saves his people; he performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”

7 Keys To Guarantee Your Plans Succeed

Written by Harold Herring.

Recently. .I was pondering a question that demands an answer.

Do we want to succeed enough to plan our action and then act on the plan?

It’s one thing to think about what we want to do. . .and that’s good. . .just not good enough.

It’s another thing to talk/speak/confess what we want to do. . .that’s good. . .just not good enough.

It’s something else to plan what we’re thinking about. . .and that’s good. . .just not good enough.

However, what we’re thinking, speaking and planning will never become a reality until we actually act on what we’ve been thinking, speaking and planning.

Here are seven keys to guarantee your plans will succeed.

Action # 1     Think about something. . .good.

Proverbs 23:7 says:

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. . .”

Have you ever had someone. . .perhaps your spouse or best friend. . .ask you what you were thinking about. . .only to say “nothing.”

Defeat Your Giant Now!

Written by Harold Herring.

The story of David and Goliath is probably the favorite story of most all children. . .I know it was mine.

The giants that you and I face define our identity and establish the reality in which we’ve chosen to live.  The giants we face and defeat outline the places and spaces where we’ve chosen to live.

The giants in our lives. . .are determined to keep us out of our promised land where the promises of God are manifested.

By the way, you’re in your promised land. . .right now. . .the question is whether or not we embrace His promises to make it a land flowing with milk and honey. . .abundance and success.

Our ability to face and defeat our giants. . .will determine the extent of the success we achieve.

Slaying our giants will move us from a life of mediocrity to unlimited success.  And, yes, from fear to freedom.

While our giants aren’t necessarily physical, they are nevertheless foreboding and at times, terrifying.

It’s not unusual for us to wage an internal, mental war on when and how to face our giants.

26 Ways To Turn Failure Into Success

Written by Harold Herring.

Failure is an event. . .it’s not who you are.  Failure is never final if you have the God-given desire and direction to change your destiny.

Here are the A to Z’s on how to turn failure straight into success.

A-Admit it when you mess up.  The best way to overcome failure is to face it, learn from it and move on.

Proverbs 28:13 in The Living Bible says:

“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.”

B-Boldy refuse to accept failure as final regardless of how badly you may have messed up. 

On May 29, 1953, Sir Edmond Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. . ..29,000 feet straight up. He was knighted for his efforts.

People remember his triumph but few people know that he failed in his first attempt a year earlier.

Later he was asked to speak to an audience that recognized his first attempt at greatness. But Edmund Hillary saw himself as a failure.

He walked to the edge of the platform, made a fist and pointed at a picture of Mount Everest. Then he said in a loud voice: