Top 10 - Following Your Life's Blueprint

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10.  You are the architect of your own destiny…it’s time for you to create the blueprints for your success.

  9.  Never allow yourself to be limited by the negative opinions of others.  If God doesn’t limit you…why should you allow anybody else to do so?

  8.  Never give up on your dream or allow anyone else to steal it.

  7.  If a person doesn’t value my time…they do not value my life…because my time is my life.

  6.  When you see yourself the way God sees you then you will never live in limitation again.

Here are the Top 5 Rich Thoughts Nuggets of the week.

  5.  There is no expiration date on God’s promises to you.

  4.  Confess this:  I can do more than I think I can because I have the mind of Christ which is functioning fully and freely within me.

  3.  The devil always returns to the place where he prospered.  Take up the welcome mat and don’t answer when he comes knocking.

  2.  Poverty steals more than your money…it robs you of your dreams, your future, your hope and your ability to bless those you love.

And the # 1 Rich Thoughts Nugget you selected is:

  1.  When you speak the Word of God…you are summoning the strongest…most elite angels to work on your behalf.  Ps 103:20