There is absolutely, no doubt that God wants you manifesting biblical success in your life.
It’s important to understand the significance of biblical success. . .that’s where you and everyone around you. . .recognizes that God makes you successful.
Deuteronomy 30:9 in the New Century Version says:
“The Lord your God will make you successful in everything you do. You will have many children, your cattle will have many calves, and your fields will produce good crops, because the Lord will again be happy with you, just as he was with your ancestors.”
Did you notice that first sentence in this passage of scripture says: “The Lord your God will make you successful in everything you do. . .”
First off, He’s not just any God. He’s your God. . .your personal God, the one who has your picture on His refrigerator. Yes, He loves you that much!
Second, He will make you successful in EVERYTHING you do. Not just some things. Or the most pressing or important things. No, He, the Lord God Almighty, is going to make you successful in ALL you do.
The key to our biblical success is our obedience to His instructions.
Joshua 1:7 in the New Century Version says:
“Be strong and brave. Be sure to obey all the teachings my servant Moses gave you. If you follow them exactly, you will be successful in everything you do.”
Our obedience to God’s instructions as a pre-requisite for our success is mentioned several other times in scripture as well.
1 Kings 2:3 in the New Century Version says:
“Obey the Lord your God. Follow him by obeying his demands, his commands, his laws, and his rules that are written in the teachings of Moses. If you do these things, you will be successful in all you do and wherever you go.”
When we’re obedient to His Word . . . then we will experience biblical success regardless of where we’re at or what we’re going through.
Job 8:7 in the New Century Version says:
“Where you began will seem unimportant, because your future will be so successful.”
Joseph was prosperous . . . a successful man even when he was standing on a slave block in Egypt.
Genesis 39:2 in the New Century Version says:
“The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man. He lived in the house of his master, Potiphar the Egyptian.”
The King James Version of Genesis 39:2 says that Joseph was a prosperous man.
At this very moment. . .you can be up to your eyeballs in debt. . .working a dead-end job. . .so broke you can’t rub two pennies together. . .but that’s not where you’re going to stay. . .when you follow God’s principles of biblical success.
Genesis 39:3 in the New Century Version says:
“Potiphar saw that the Lord was with Joseph and that the Lord made Joseph successful in everything he did.”
Everywhere Joseph went people were blessed. He was successful regardless of his circumstances.
Genesis 39:23 in the New Century Version says:
“The warden paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph's care because the Lord was with Joseph and made him successful in everything he did.”
It’s not where you’re at. . .it’s where you’re going.
I want you to write this next statement down….
It’s not where I’m at. . .it’s where I’m going.
You can even personalize it.
It’s not where <<Name>> is at. . it’s where <<Name>> is going.
Let’s look at sixteen key principles to guide you on your journey to biblical success.
1. Biblical success is a's contagious and impacts everyone who comes near it.
2. Biblical success unites, it doesn’t divide.
3. Biblical success is a long-range solution to every problem you face.
4. Biblical success is God's plan to bless you which enables you to bless others.
5. Biblical success creates opportunities for personal growth, advancement and scriptural giving.
6. Biblical success is not just about you but what He can do through you.
7. Biblical success demotes greed and promotes generosity.
8. Biblical success is a consequence of the decisions you make and the actions you take.
9. Biblical success experienced by the few is designed to bless the many who have not yet come into a revelation of His Biblical rewards.
10. When governments seek to excessively tax or control the earnings of those who experience Biblical success...the ultimate victims will not be the rich but the poor who are the recipients of their charity.
11. Biblical success is based on your understanding and activation of the timeless principles found in His Word.
12. Biblical success isn't the pursuit of wealth but rather the accomplishment of Godly goals.
13. Biblical success isn't against you being rich but rather you being controlled by riches
14. Biblical success is knowing that. . .what you’ve got is not all you’ll ever have. . .and what you’re doing at the moment is NOT all you’ll ever do.
15. Biblical success is not what you have but rather who has you.
16. Biblical success is optional but so is failure.
In order to experience biblical success. . .there are some things you must start doing. . .obeying God’s instructions and some things you must stop doing. . .exit out of your life.
Success in Spanish is the word "éxito."
If you want to be a success in life you have to exit and escape from some of your previous habits and acquaintances.
You must leave the poverty mentality to enter into His plan for your biblical success.
You must leave thoughts of limitation behind. . .to enter the reality of biblical success.
You must leave the blame game . . . and enter into a new era of personal accountability for your actions.
You must leave behind any tolerance of mediocrity . . . to enter a lifestyle of excellence.
You must begin to see success as a way out of everything that has been holding you back and keeping you down.
When you start doing what’s right in God’s eyes then biblical success is your ultimate destination.
So one final question:
Why does God want you . . . one person. . . to be successful?
The same reason God wanted King David successful and prosperous . . . so His people can be blessed.
2 Samuel 5:12 in the Good News Translation says:
“And so David realized that the Lord had established him as king of Israel and was making his kingdom prosperous for the sake of his people.”
When you’re successful. . .other people are blessed by their association with you. Even the heathen will rejoice in God.
Genesis 39:5 says:
“And it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in his house, and over all that he had, that the LORD blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the LORD was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field.”
God wants you successful for a reason. . .but it’s your decision whether or not, His desire for you becomes a reality.