My Expectation for Today

Written by Harold Herring.

Happy New Year. . .

2 Corinthians 5:17in the Amplified Bible says: 

Behold, the fresh and new has come!”


You’ve never had a year like 2025. . .

Say this with me “My problems of the past will not hinder my possibilities for this new year.

2025 is your year of unfulfilled promises…FULFILLED.

Three or four weeks ago, God directed me to encourage you to spend a minimum of 13 minutes each day implementing each of the following seven instructions during the first 13 days of 2025.

First, prayer

Second, reading His Word

Third, confessing His Word

Fourth, encouraging someone else

The Christmas Miracle

Written by Harold Herring.

This morning I was re-reading Luke 1:34,35, 37,38 and God stirred me to share this Word with you.

“And Mary said: "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name.”

Mary is praising God. . .giving Him all glory and honor for the great things He has done for her.

Why did God do great things for Mary?

Because she was obedient. . . when it wasn’t convenient.

Because she agreed to do something. . . when her actions would be misunderstood and slandered.

Because she stepped out in faith . . . when it was dangerous and seemed impossible.

“Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

2025 Year of the Miraculous Turnaround

Written by Harold Herring.

Are you breathing a sigh of relief that 2024 is almost in the record books?

Has it been just an okay year. . .and you’re ready for something new?

Are you ready to leave the pains and hurts of 2024 in the rear-view mirror?

Are you ready to move to a spiritual place you’ve never been before?

Do you remember driving to a place you’ve never been before . . .found yourself not knowing if you were heading in the right direction but you still continued on?

I think this is particularly true of most men. . .there is a hesitancy to stop and ask for directions. . .until it’s clearly obvious that you’re headed in the wrong direction.

There is an amazing parallel in life where some people know they’re headed in the wrong direction but they keep hesitating to make the decision to turn things around.

Jeremiah 8:4 in the Contemporary English Version says:

“[The People Took the Wrong Road ] The LORD said: People of Jerusalem, when you stumble and fall, you get back up, and if you take a wrong road, you turn around and go back.”

The lifestyle turnaround begins with asking for forgiveness for our sins and returning to God.

Putting The Word To Work For You In 2025

Written by Harold Herring.

As we get ready to close out 2024, we need to get back to basics.  Most Christians know the basics but from time to time we need to be reminded of certain biblical principles.

The Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:1 admonishes us:

"It's no trouble for me to repeat the same things to you because they will help keep you on track."

This most basic one is not forgetting to put the Word of God to work in your life …daily.

“What happens to so many Christians is they pray a scripture over a problem... then they leave it alone…eventually giving up when nothing happens.  I feel the Holy Spirit showed me how to continually put pressure on that scripture expecting it to perform as God said it would...

Get mad at the devil... and REFUSE to let him have his way...why should he win?  He likes to make you think "you're the one doing something wrong" but if you KNOW the Word works... you can literally force the enemy or circumstances to step aside!  He has to obey you! You are a child of the most high God and you are declaring His Word.  

We were prompted to write seven ways to put the Word to work in your life on a daily basis.

1.         Quit doing what you’ve been doing if it’s not working.

Judges 6:1 in the New International Version says:

Prayers of Deliverance for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Written by Harold Herring.

If you want to be successful in whatever business venture you’re in . . .you need revelatory insight into marketing trends and consumer demand.

Hunches don’t work.  In fact, they’ll get you into financial difficulty quicker than you can say “Yippee Ki O Ki-Yay.”

No matter what your position … you are God’s spiritual entrepreneur for His Kingdom here on planet earth. And that means you need an entrepreneurial coach. . .one who knows the ins and outs of the marketplace and workplace. 

One who is not only creative. . .but stirs in you a determined ability to finish what you start.

Truth be told. . .you and I have such a Coach. . .available 24/7 and He’s always gives us the best insight.

He can also lead you to the other connections you need within your industry as you pay attention to His leading.

I was talking with my Entrepreneurial Coach when He revealed to me. . .a seven fold prayer for every Spiritual Entrepreneur’s financial deliverance for 2024.

1.         A prayer of revelation

How do you get revelation?  You ask for it.

Your prayer for entrepreneurial revelation should consist of seven keys. This is not just true for success on the job but in everything that is holding you back.

First, you have to ask.

7 Practical Ways To Maximize Your Gifts and Talents

Written by Harold Herring.

For most of my life I was taught that talents were gifts of abilities and not financial gifts.  That’s not the case… talents as discussed in Matthew 25 is clearly defined as money.

If you have any doubt about the accuracy of what I’m saying… consider Matthew 25:16 in the New English Translation Bible:

“The one who had received five talents went off right away and put his money to work and gained five more.”

Next, take a look at Matthew 25:18-19 also in the New English Translation Bible which says:

“But the one who had received one talent went out and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money in it.”

I realize some people might say, “Well, yes but you’re just quoting those new fangled translations.  What does the King James Version say?”

Glad you asked.

Matthew 25:18 in the King James Version says:

“But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.”

He hid his Lord’s what. . .oh, yes. . .MONEY.