7 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Every Opportunity

Written by Harold Herring.

Why were you born?

I can tell you. . .it wasn’t just because your Mom and Dad wanted to have a beautiful baby.

You were born for a purpose. . .God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb.

Yet too few believers understand their purpose or why they were born.

Ephesians 5:14:

“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.”

According to Strong’s Concordance the word “sleepest” means “to fall asleep” but it also means:

“to yield to sloth and sin” and “to be indifferent to one's salvation.”

The Lord kept bringing the phrase “indifferent to one’s salvation” back to my remembrance and I was prompted to ask this question.

What does it mean to be “indifferent to one’s salvation?”

7 Keys To Immediate Increase (February 2024)

Written by Harold Herring.

Let me warn you. . .the principles taught in this teaching are hazardous to the enemy and potentially devastating to his plans for your finances and your life.

These seven keys to immediate increase will set the captives of mediocrity free.  It will raise those seemingly condemned to a financial abyss to a higher understanding of what it takes to experience continuous increase.

Remove any and all hindrances . . . prepare yourself to real and lasting increase in your life.

Here are the seven keys for you to study and activate.

First, expect previously unknown opportunities even in adversity.

The best way to experience previously unknown opportunities is to expect them.

I’ve discovered in my life that when I expect to find unknown opportunities or doors to open. . .they do. . .regardless of my circumstances.

There will be times in life when our reaction to adversity will determine the opportunities we receive.

26 Ways To Turn Failure Into Success (February 2024)

Written by Harold Herring.

Failure is an event. . .it’s not who you are.  Failure is never final if you have the God-given desire and direction to change your destiny.

Here are the A to Z’s on how to turn failure straight into success.

A-Admit it when you mess up.  The best way to overcome failure is to face it, learn from it and move on.

Proverbs 28:13 in The Living Bible says:

“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.”

B-Boldy refuse to accept failure as final regardless of how badly you may have messed up. 

On May 29, 1953, Sir Edmond Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. . ..29,000 feet straight up. He was knighted for his efforts.

People remember his triumph, but few people know that he failed in his first attempt a year earlier.

Later he was asked to speak to an audience that recognized his first attempt at greatness. But Edmund Hillary saw himself as a failure.

You Are Making a Difference

Written by Harold Herring.

As this year is unfolding, we decided to give you a glimpse inside our ministry Triumphant Life Church and our worldwide outreach, The Debt Free Army.

We are continually surprised at what the Lord does in our lives and through the ministry. We love reaching people with hope. The Bible is full of hope and so we enjoy spreading it across the earth.

Each year there are certain ministries we support through contributions from the many amazing partners who have come along side of us over the past twenty years.

Some of our on-going yearly outreaches include television that reaches inside the Soviet Union with the gospel of Christ, Wycliffe Bible Translators who translate the Bible into furthermost areas and dialects of the globe and School of the Holy Spirit Seminars right here in the United States to name a few.

But when our friends, Peter and Joan Vaughn, came through town for their annual visit, sharing  their amazing stories from Indonesia, Miramar and other Asian providences as well as many of the countries throughout Africa, we just had to give you an inside glimpse of what You, a partner in God’s work through us, are doing to Make A Difference!

7 Keys To Spiritual Boldness (January 2024)

Written by Harold Herring.

Would you like to have spiritual boldness?

You don’t need an expensive seminar or weekend conference to gain spiritual boldness.

There have been some good books written on developing boldness and confidence but the best book on the subject. . .was written thousands of years ago.

Developing spiritual boldness is not an outside job. . .but rather. . .an inside work.

Ephesians 3:12 in the Classic Amplified Bible says:

“In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear).”

Our 24/7 access to our Heavenly Father. . .was made possible by the blood of Jesus on Calvary’s cross.

2 Corinthians 3:12 in the Classic Amplified Bible says:

“Since we have such [glorious] hope (such joyful and confident expectation), we speak very freely and openly and fearlessly.”

7 Things To Do While Waiting For Your Harvest

Written by Harold Herring.

I’m often asked what a person should do between the time they sow their precious seed and they receive their awaited harvest.

As I’ve reflect on that question over the years. . .I feel led to share seven things you should do from the moment your seed goes into the offering envelope as you wait for the manifestation.

1.      Find Seed-Faith Scriptures that Reflect Your Expected Harvest and Read Them Every Day.

I encourage you to compile a list of the scriptures that stirs your faith during the offering or that were included in the letter you received from a good ground ministry.

You can compile your list on index cards, a journal or in your Smart Phone or other electronic toy.  It’s important you have easy access to this list of scriptures during the day like regardless of the instrument you use.

If God used a particular scripture to stir your faith to sow a seed. . .that seed-faith scripture should be on your list.

Here are two scriptures that confirm my faith in sowing and reaping, giving and receiving and planting and harvesting.  There are other scriptures but these verses ought to stir up the fire of your belief in seed-faith sowing.

Genesis 8:22 says: