Top 10 - Actions For Success

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10.  You are the smartest person I know…you have the mind of Christ.  Use it.

  9.  If we focus our mental energy on what we don’t have instead of what we can have…we will forever live in lack and shortage.

  8.  Your salary is not your source but it’s a seed for changing your destiny.

  7.  Love your family with who you are in Him…not with what you can buy for them.

  6.  Excellence is attainable while perfection is an illusion.

Here are the Top 5 Rich Thoughts Nuggets of the week.

  5.  If you plan tomorrow today…not only will you achieve your desired results…but you will become the master of your own time.

  4.  The greatest miracles you’ll ever experience…are the ones that happen inside you.           

  3.  What we believe on the inside…will determine what we achieve on the outside.

  2.  God is not moved by what you intend to do…He is moved by what you do.

 # 1 Rich Thoughts Nugget you selected is:

  1.  Our circumstances don’t determine our success but how we act and react to them…will determine whether or not we’re successful.