Top 10 - Lies and Truth

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10.  What's in our hearts will determine what comes out of our mouths.

  9.  We are not what or who others say we are...we are who and what God says we are.

  8.  What you think matters. . .what you do matters even more.

  7.  Praying for everyone to achieve success and not tolerate feed on the Word and not take somebody else's word for it.

  6.  Your first step to success is when you get disgusted and totally fed up with not having achieved it...yet.

Here are the Top 5 Rich Thoughts Nuggets of the week.

  5.  We will never possess what we criticize and condemn.

  4.  Whether we become grasshoppers or giant killers is based on how we see ourselves. Numbers 13:32-33; 14:8-9

  3.  Be the change you want to see. “We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” (Max DePree, businessman)

  2.  Forgiveness gives us back control of our lives.

And the # 1 Rich Thoughts Nugget you selected is:

  1.  The enemy wants you to believe that where you are in life right now is where you’re going to stay. That’s a lie of the devil.