10. Your greatest breakthrough is only a thought or two away.
9. It's a good idea to forgive everybody in your past...just in case...you need forgiveness in the future.
8. “You don’t know my circumstances.” First, don’t own them. Second, God is bigger than they are. Third, they’re God’s problems not yours.
7. Confess this: "I can do more than I think I can because I have the mind of Christ functioning fully and freely within me."
6. When you get married you become one flesh. When you embarrass or speak down to your spouse, you're doing the same thing to yourself.
Here are the Top 5 Rich Thoughts Nuggets of the week.
5. TODAY. . .do the things necessary to change your future into the reality you desire.
4. Our birth is the evidence that God has plans for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11.
3. Worry robs you of today’s blessings. . .by stealing the Word from your heart.
2. I'm really happy today...because I know that God makes the seemingly impossible . . . possible for us. Can you say Hallelujah?
Rich Thoughts Nugget you selected is:
1. Never say anything you don't want God to hear or satan to act on.