Top 10 - The Word of God and HIS Economy

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10.  Think about why God woke you up this morning...what He wants you to accomplish today…and then do something to make it happen.

  9.  Success is not a miracle…it’s a personal decision to activate these seven words.  READ YOUR BIBLE…DO WHAT IT SAYS.

  8.  Today, focus on the 3M’s…making, managing and multiplying God’s money.

  7.  Think BIG…act smart…never give up…embrace your destiny.

  6.  If you’re afraid of what’s going to happen…you’re not listening to the One who makes things happen.

Here are the Top 5 Rich Thoughts Nuggets of the week.

  5.  Your focus today determines your success…tomorrow.

  4.  If you’re a high value target of the enemy…it means he knows you’re valuable to and for the Kingdom of God.

  3.  You discover your assignment but the decision to fulfill it…is entirely yours.

  2.  Nothing is certain in the current economic climate.  That’s why we must base our future on the Word of God and His economy.

 # 1 Rich Thoughts Nugget you selected is:

  1.  Valentine’s Day was five months ago today…and Jesus is still asking the same question.  “Will you be mine?”