10. Confidence will take you places doubt never will. Confidence in Him makes you a winner in life…no matter…what you’re facing.
9. Our miracle doesn't take place at manifestation; it takes place when we believe the promises of God no matter what our situation looks like.
8. Your commitment and enthusiasm for the Lord. . .will cause you to be noticed in heaven by God Himself.
7. You are not who others say you are…you are who God says you are. But you will live your life based on who you think you are.
6. God is more interested in where you’re going…than where you’ve been. Phil 3:13
Here are the Top 5 Rich Thoughts Nuggets of the week.
5. Today…take what God says in His Word and imagine it manifesting in your life.
4. The enemy cannot read your mind, but you can accelerate and intensify his attacks by the words you choose to speak. Matthew 12:37
3. If God wanted you to live a life of poverty and lack…He would not have made you in His image and after His likeness.
2. God does not change His mind…there is no expiration date on His promises.
# 1 Rich Thoughts Nugget you selected is:
1. The best way to encourage yourself is to recall all that God has done for you in the past.