Top 10 - What Are You Doing Today?

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10. the things necessary to change your future into the reality you desire.

  9.  Every decision you make today is a seed to what your harvest will be like tomorrow.  So, plant your decisions carefully.

  8.  Purpose in your heart to do something about your future today.  If you don’t…nobody else will.

  7.  Don’t let people you’ve known in the past…keep you away from your future.

  6.  If you spend more time in His book…you’ll never have to worry about your checkbook.

Here are the Top 5 Rich Thoughts Nuggets of the week.

  5.  If you decide to stay as you are…then you will stay where you are in life.  Three key words…learn, change and improve.

  4.  If you have God…you lack nothing.  If you don’t have God…you lack everything.

  3. Never make an important decision when you are too angry…too lonely…too tired…too hungry or when you haven’t prayed about it.

  2.  Never allow your circumstances to cloud your thinking; destroy your dreams or make you settle for less than His best for your life.

And the # 1 Rich Thoughts Nugget you selected is:

  1.  The measure of who you are is not in the life you lead which people see…but rather the life you lead when no one is watching.