7 Ways To Get A Grip

Written by Harold Herring.

Have you ever heard the expression “Just get a grip?”

Have you ever said, “Well, I can’t seem to get a grip on this situation?”

Have you ever told someone, “You need to get a grip?”

Do you realize that “get a grip” is more than the title of a song by Aerosmith?

This morning as I was meditating. . .it stirred in me that believers need to get a grip of what’s been holding them back from achieving what God created and endowed them to do. . .and from fulfilling His vision for their lives in 2012.

34 Ways To Know If You're Ready For A Miracle

Written by Harold Herring.

If you believe that God is a miracle working God, then you’re ready for a miracle.

Psalm 86:10 in the Living Bible says:

“For you are great, and do great miracles.  You alone are God.”

If you know that God is no respecter of persons, then you’re ready for a miracle.

Acts 10:34 says:

“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.”  

7 Characteristics Of A Godly Leader

Written by Harold Herring.

Make no mistake. . .God created you to be a leader.

You can also know that the enemy has used and is continuing to use some clever tactics to keep you from realizing that YOU ARE A LEADER.  Sadly, many believers allow him to get away with this deadly deception.

You may never have thought of yourself as a leader and truthfully, what you think will hinder what you accomplish. 

The real question is what does God think about you being a leader. . .how does God see you?

The Kind of Fast He's After

Written by Harold Herring.

Have you ever read a scripture. . .where you immediate response was “Wow?”

Isaiah 58:6-9 in the Message Bible says:

“This is the kind of fast day I'm after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts.  What I'm interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once.  Your righteousness will pave your way.  The God of glory will secure your passage.  Then when you pray, God will answer.  You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.'”

Do yourself a big favor and read those verses at least two more times before proceeding to the rest of this blog.

Truthfully, I’ve read Isaiah 58:6-9 numerous times in other translations but never in the Message Bible until recently.

7 Reasons Fear Destroys the Anointing

Written by Harold Herring.

Good morning and welcome to Rich Thoughts for Breakfast this Sensational Saturday, June 29, 2013…Day 180 of our year of unfulfilled promises BEING fulfilled.

Fear is the devil’s anointing.

Now I want you to write in the following statement where you can see it…remember it…believe it…confess it…until it’s manifested in your life.

“Fear is the devil’s anointing but I rebuke it has not place in <<Name>>’s life.

Make no mistake about it. . .the enemy will continually try to bring fear into your mental thought process.

3 Things Well Pleasing To God

Written by Harold Herring.

Who do you want to please. . .your spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, best friend, neighbors, pastor, employer or most anybody you meet?

Truthfully, there is only one person that you ever need to worry about pleasing. . .because if He’s happy and well pleased, you can find contentment in life.

What does well-pleasing to God really mean. . . 

Well-pleasing is the Greek Word Strong's G2101 – euarestos. . .yü-ä'-re-stosG2101 come from the Greek word eu (yu) (G2095) which means to be “well-off, fare well, prosper.”