7 Keys To Every Winner In Life. . .Masters
Thousands of books have been written about what it takes to be a winner in life. These books include many choice nuggets or as I call them RICH THOUGHTS.
On occasion you will find some thoughts that are way out in left field. . .and should be forgotten as quickly as they were read.
However, there is ONE BOOK which is always RIGHT. . .always ACCURATE and totally GUARANTEED. It’s the Word of God.
Here are seven keys for every winner as revealed in God’s Holy Bible.
# 1 Have a ‘Never Give Up’ Attitude
One of the biggest challenges most Christians face is giving up on their dreams, goals and assignments before they achieve victory.
The only way we lose in life. . .is if we give up and quit.
The scripture is very clear about why we should never think about giving up. Here are seven reasons why. . .we should keep on. . .keeping on.