Your reaction to adversity . . .will determine how you’re viewed.

If you’re viewed as someone who seemingly goes nuts every time something doesn’t go your way…it will be what people believe about you.

If you continually lose it.

. . .not only will others see you that way. . .but more importantly. . .you will begin to believe that’s your typical response and it will become a habit.

In a negative context. . .you become what you believe you will be. . .by how you act and react.

Conversely, if your reactions are governed by applying the fruit of the spirit. . .then you will become what the Word says you will be.

Matthew 9:27-31 in the Message Bible says:

“As Jesus left the house, he was followed by two blind men crying out, “Mercy, Son of David! Mercy on us!” When Jesus got home, the blind men went in with him. Jesus said to them, “Do you really believe I can do this?” They said, “Why, yes, Master!” He touched their eyes and said, “Become what you believe.”

Do you feel like you’ve been going through bad stuff?

Are you convinced that you shouldn’t have to deal with the mess you’re dealing with?

What you’re facing at the moment may stink . . . but that doesn’t necessarily change the circumstances.

Recently, I was reminded of a story that was told by former President Ronald Reagan.

The story concerns twin boys around six.  Each of the boys had developed extreme personalities that worried their parents.  One was a total optimist . . .happy, giggling all the time. . .while the other twin was a total pessimist, crying and whining about everything.

Have you ever thought about how you’d like to be recognized?

Genesis 37:19 says:

“And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.”

The dreamer cometh.  I think I like that.

The context of this scripture may have been made in a negative way…but Joseph’s dreams are what sustained him through every trial and brought victory and preservation to his brothers when they needed it the most.

Words from Harold and Bev

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Harold Herring

Never let your circumstances define your destiny.  Rather create the circumstances that will assure your destiny.

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Bev Herring

Never allow anyone other than God to determine your worth and value.