Seven Facts About Your Point Of Contact
The first time I ever heard the term “point of contact” was while watching one of Oral Roberts old healing crusades when it played on our small black and white TV.
I remember Dr. Roberts stretching out his hands toward the TV camera and asking the viewers at home to extend their faith by touching his hand on the television screen as a point of contact.
Over the years, I’ve heard some men and women of God talk about a point of contact when it comes to the prayer of agreement.
I believe a point of contact is anything God instructs us to do to help release our faith.
We can say it another way. . .a point of contact provides a way for us to act on what the Word says and when we do. . .we release our faith to God.
Our point of contact could be the prayer of faith…the laying on of hands…an act of faith that causes you to move outside your comfort zone, Holy Communion…a prayer cloth or anything that requires a step of faith toward the previously unknown.
A point of contact is a method we use to reach God and obey His divine instructions.