Are you feeling pressure in your everyday life?  On the job. . .in your finances. . .at home either in your role as a spouse or a parent?

You want to get ahead but sometimes the pressure is almost overbearing.

Peter Marshal, a former Chaplain of the United States Senate, once told the Lord:

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.”

Perhaps, we need to catch a visual of ourselves becoming like the Hope diamond. . .the most famous of all precious stones.

There seems to be four main causes of pressure. . .whether generated externally or internally.

First, we get overloaded with more to do than the hours of the day will allow us to complete.

Second, we allow our emotions to create worry, anxiety and frustration. . .which drains us emotionally and physically as well.

Third, we begin to play worst case scenarios in our minds. . .imaging the worst things that could possible happen. . .if something is not completed or doesn’t happen.

Fourth, the enemy wants to change our spiritual and mental environment. . .to break our focus off what’s important to our heavenly calling.

Pressure can cause us to either fight or take flight from our current circumstances.

But in 1 Peter 4:12 in the Classic Amplified Bible we are warned that this is not uncommon:

If you have never dialed into our daily Rich Thoughts For Breakfast 13 minute conference call. . . today you can. We are playing the #1 listened-to-program each week.

One of The Enemy's Favorite Tricks

We hope you find the recording so enjoyable you will begin to energize and empower yourself every day with Rich Thoughts for Breakfast.

You can jump start your morning with the live call at 8:30 AM EST by dialing 1-667-770-1524 Access 832936#

Or, If you're unable to listen to the live call, you can dial 712-432-0990 Access 832936#. The recording is available until the new Rich Thoughts program is recorded the next day.

Motives are what makes us do what we do.

According to the word motive means:

“Something that causes a person to act in a certain way; do a certain thing; an inner drive, impulse or intention that causes a person to do something or act in a certain way.”

Motivation to a Christian is like gas in the tank of your car.  It gives you what’s desired or necessary to be a success in your Christian life.

Motivation unfortunately is not a class you take in school.

Motivation can’t be inherited.  It’s not hereditary.  It can’t be passed from parent to child no matter how hard we try.

Motivation is not circumstantial or environmental. . .it’s an inner working.

It’s also important to point out that motivation can be good or ungodly.

Here are examples of seven Biblical characters and what motivated them to accomplish their God-given goals.

It’s important to understand that when God gives us a vision, a goal or a prophetic Word, it is then up to us to see it through.

The vision, goal or Word is the calling … but it is up to us to follow the process to the end result.

Words from Harold and Bev

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Harold Herring

Never let your circumstances define your destiny.  Rather create the circumstances that will assure your destiny.

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Bev Herring

Never allow anyone other than God to determine your worth and value.