Never Let Them See You Sweat
Never let them see you sweat.
Do you remember that the Gillette Corporation began using that tagline in their advertisements for the antiperspirants “Dry Idea” back in 1964?
Interestingly enough, the slogan was created by the same man who wrote the Navy’s slogan. . . “It’s not a job, it’s an adventure.”
In case you’ve forgotten or are too young to remember, the “never let them see you sweat” ads featured famous people from various professions.
For me, I never want to see satan, the enemy, Beelzebb or any of the hosts of hell...see me sweat over what the try to perpetuate in my life.
Instead, I want to make the enemy and his horde from hell SWEAT because I know the Word of God.
Here are seven times you don’t want the enemy to see you sweat.
1. When you’re disappointed
Here’s the great news. . .regardless of the intensity of the enemy’s attack. . .you will never be put to shame or disappointed. I realize that’s a bold statement. . . but there are eight verses in the Amplified Bible translation which say exactly that and here are five of them.